Jianyu Wang
How to Pronounce: "Jane Yu"
jiw102 [at] ucsd [dot] edu

I am a MS student at Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego. My interests center around the symbolic behaviour in artificial intelligence.

I also work as a research intern at MIT, where I am fortunate enough to be mentored by Freda Shi and Jiayuan Mao.

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RLPrompt: Optimizing Discrete Text Prompts With Reinforcement Learning
Mingkai Deng*, Jianyu Wang*, Cheng-Ping Hsieh*, Yihan Wang, Han Guo, Tianmin Shu, Meng Song, Eric P. Xing, Zhiting Hu
EMNLP 2022
arXiv / code / Poster / CMU ML Blog / Video

The "first" efficient and applicable low-resource discrete prompt optimization framework (i.e. RL - stochastic reward) that enables pre-trained LMs (i.e. MLMs and CLMs) to perform both classification and generation tasks.

DualVGR: A Dual-Visual Graph Reasoning Unit for Video Question Answering
Jianyu Wang, Bing-Kun Bao, Changsheng Xu
TMM 2021, VALSE 2021 spotlight
arXiv / code / Poster

An implicit two-stream multi-step reasoning unit (disentangled representation learning) for Video Question Answering.

Invited Talks
  • Live Broadcast for 'Natural Language Processing in Action' Book in three platforms, encompassing Alibaba Cloud Tianchi, Bilibili Datawhale and epubit.
Professional Services
  • Invited Reviewer for ACL, KDD, EMNLP, NeurIPS, ICLR, CoNLL, etc
Useful Links
  • I enjoy knowledge discovery & learning in various fields. Now, I informally work on life, health, and sports.

Template from him.